All our offers are free of charge and almost all of them take place online.
Do you find our offers exciting and want to secure your place? Then register directly!
Places for our events and advisory services are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis, with preference given to students with an international or intercultural background. You can find more information in our FAQ.
General questions & answers about the ICS RM offers
Yes, all our offers are free of charge.
The courses are aimed at students and graduates with a migrant background from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences and Darmstadt University of Technology. Students with an international or intercultural background from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and non-migrant students from the above-mentioned universities can also take part in courses that are not fully booked.
Students with an international or intercultural background are people,
- who were born abroad and immigrated to Germany to study or live, and/or,
- of whom at least one parent was born abroad and immigrated to Germany and/or
- whose everyday language in the family is not only German.
The International Career Service Rhein-Main is funded by the European Social Fund via the funding program "Using international potential - shaping transitions from studies to work" of the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts (HMWK). The program is primarily intended to support students with an international or intercultural background from the aforementioned joint universities in order to increase equal opportunities.
If the courses are not fully booked, participation is also open to students without a migrant background. Once you have registered, you will initially be placed on the waiting list. Depending on the number of places on the waiting list and available capacity, we will admit you shortly before the start of the workshop.
Many of our events are in German. For German-language events, we recommend a German level of at least B1 so that you understand the most important points. However, you can decide for yourself whether your German language skills are sufficient to follow the content. Events that are held in English are marked accordingly. We endeavor to vary the languages of the events. We offer individual consultations in German and English.
The decision to hold our events online is based on several considerations.
On the one hand, we are a network of five different universities. Online formats enable equal participation for students at all locations.
Second, experience during the Corona pandemic has shown that online formats are positively received by many students. Not only do they offer flexibility in terms of where they can participate, but they also allow for a better balance with other commitments such as work or study. It also allows us to invite a broader range of speakers who otherwise would not have been able to participate due to geographical distances. This allows us to offer a more diverse and higher quality program.