Meet your future employer -
Matching Week (WiSe 24/25)

You are the focus here

Matching Week is an online career week that specifically targets international students and graduates, including those with a migration background, from the Rhine-Main region.

It offers a platform where employers and potential applicants can come together in a digital setting. The focus is on video calls that enable direct discussions between the two sides. This opportunity is created after a careful selection process by the employers, based on applications received.

The event is supported by all seven partner universities and aims to facilitate the transition from academic education to the professional world. It is a unique opportunity to make valuable contacts and and to gain insights into potential fields of work. The positive feedback from both participating students and companies underlines the success and benefits of the event. The Matching Week opens doors to new career opportunities in an increasingly networked and digitalized job market.

Week =


From the fields of economics, engineering and IT


Be part of the Matching Week!

Take the opportunity to apply with your CV in German or English.

Explore your career options in one-on-one interviews online (EN/DE) with employers about internships, student jobs or entry-level positions.

If you and the employer are a good match, you can gain important professional experience during your studies.

Procedure Matching Week

October 2024:
Preparatory offers

21.10.-08.11.2024: Bewerbungsphase

09. to 12.12.2024
Matching Week

Be inspired by the resume of

Portrait Goethe

Why is an application like cinema?

Resume Patterns