Corporate culture of companies -
VerlinkedIn Rhine-Main (WiSe 24)

This elective module is all about the topic of corporate culture(s). How differently do companies "tick"? What role do the product, the size of the company or the management style play? How do companies communicate their culture to the outside world? What values do they live by internally?

These questions are particularly interesting for students with an immigrant background or for international students, because they will explore what constitutes corporate culture in Germany. Does it exist at all?

The special thing about this elective module: You leave the lecture hall and the online meeting and go on an excursion! Because you visit the companies directly on site and immerse yourself in the corporate culture(s). The spectrum ranges from small regional companies to well-known international corporations, all of which are based in the Rhine-Main region.

The practical experience gained during the excursions is underpinned by a lecture given by Prof. Dr. Dr. Moutchnik. The lecture focuses on the theory of corporate culture of companies, but also here it becomes practical again, because social media networking with LinkedIn, working with case studies and the creation of podcasts with the own learning experiences complement the theory.

Event Content:

  • Excursions to well-known companies in the Rhine-Main region with discussions with experts
  • Lectures on corporate culture in trendy Wiesbaden locations (e.g. Press Club at Villa Clementine, Altes Gericht, Seibert Media)
  • Guided self-study: preparation of company visits and podcasts of learning experiences.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Moutchnik, in cooperation with company representatives

Registration: Via the ICS-RM registration portal in winter semester 2024

A total of 25 seats are available. 

In order for the elective module to be credited, participation in all dates is required. The examination office of the respective university decides on the creditability, e.g. in the elective area (3 CP).

Those wishing to participate in this extremely valuable program should be willing to leave home/university and make the effort to visit local businesses and attend on-site lectures!

The dates for the winter semester 2024 will be announced in good time.